The Education Academy

Resuscitation Services

The Resuscitation Service at Barts Health NHS Trust provides two distinct services – attendance at cardiac arrest calls and the delivery of resuscitation training to staff. Alongside this, they are responsible for providing advice on matters related to resuscitation and identifying clinical risks.

The resuscitation service is in place to provide clinical and educational expertise in all areas relating to resuscitation and works in accordance with guidelines developed by the Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK).

The Resuscitation Officers within the team are all healthcare professionals (nurses or paramedics) with a specialist interest in resuscitation procedures for adult and paediatric patients.

Their roles are both clinical and educational, with the clinical component, requiring them to attend resuscitation events and to provide clinical assistance and guidance. They also manage an audit process of all events where the resuscitation team has been called out within the Trust.

Resuscitation Training

The Resuscitation service provides an extensive range of specialised training in resuscitation courses including:

  • Advanced Trauma Life Support
  • Advanced Trauma Nursing Course (ATNC)
  • Advanced Life Support
  • Advanced Paediatric Life Support
  • Newborn Life Support
  • European Paediatric Life Support
  • Hospital Major Incident Medical Management and Support (HMIMMS)
  • Emergency Management Of Severe Burns (EMSB)
  • Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS)
  • Immediate Life Support (ILS)
  • Generic Instructor Course (GIC)
  • Immediate Life Support Instructor Course (ILSi)

In addition the team provides Basic Life Support training that complies with RCUK 2021 guidelines and Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) level two training requirement.

Internal Courses

The Basic Life Support courses delivered by the team are booked using the course booking system, which can be found on your WIRED account or via the Education Academy portal on the Barts Health WeShare intranet page.

Basic Life Support – (Upon request: Includes Paediatric BLS/ Automated External Defibrillator).

The following courses listed below are booked by completing a generic training application form which can be found on the Resuscitation Training page on Barts Health WeShare Intranet. When completed, the form should be sent to:

  • ILS 
  • eILS 
  • PILS 
  • Train the Trainer 
  • Rhythm Recognition 
  • 12 Lead ECG (Rhythm Recognition course will need to have been completed prior to booking this course).

National Courses

The following National courses will need to be booked by request via the relevant email addresses below:

ALS / eALS – 




NLS – 



Basic Life Support Drop-In sessions can be found on under Resuscitation Training on the Barts Health WeShare Intranet

Useful Links

BLS Training Video: (315) Resuscitation – YouTube

Resuscitation Council UK: Home | Resuscitation Council UK

Contact Details

For enquires call your local team:

Newham: 0207 363 8335
Royal London: 0203 594 6817
St Bartholomew’s: 0203 465 5380
Whipps Cross: 0208 539 5522 xt.6819