The Education Academy

Medical Education – Postgraduate

Barts Health NHS Trust has a large medical and dental workforce, and the Medical and Dental Education Department has overall responsibility for ensuring the delivery and quality of training Postgraduate and Foundation Doctors and Dentists in Training as well as Undergraduate Medical Students.

If you have any questions regarding Medical and Dental Education at Barts Health please contact us.

Medical and Dental Education

The Medical and Dental Education Service oversees the delivery of all aspects of Postgraduate Medical Education and Undergraduate Medical Education.

We are responsible for:

  • Foundation Training Programme
  • Core Training Programmes (including Internal Medicine Training, GP Specialty Training, Acute Care Common Stem, Core Surgical Training)
  • Higher Specialty Training Programmes
  • Administration of the Study Leave process for Doctors in Postgraduate Training
  • Pastoral care to Doctors in Postgraduate Training
  • Accreditation of Educational Supervisors
  • Provision of Faculty Development training

We have five Education Academy’s – Mile End Hospital, Newham General Hospital, Royal London Hospital, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, and Whipps Cross Hospital – which are dedicated to giving the best possible experience to doctors and dentists in training. 

We deliver a range of teaching programmes including weekly Foundation year, GP and Specialty teaching as well as regional teaching to ensure that our doctors are well equipped with the skills they need to deliver excellent and safe care for all patients with compassion. We monitor the progression of all doctors and dentists in training at our hospitals and offer the guidance and support they need through our specialty-based local faculty groups.

We have a rich programme of grand rounds which provide case-based presentations from various specialties. These lectures are attended by all grades of doctors and dentists in training, consultants, LED, SAS Doctors, and other healthcare professionals, encouraging discussion between hospital staff of all grades. 

Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS), and Locally Employed Doctors (LED)

At Barts Health we are committed to providing greater support for our SAS and Locally Employed Doctors. Our aim is to ensure that every Doctor can work to their full potential to better meet the needs of the service and improve patient care. 

International Medical Graduates  

We serve ethnically diverse communities across East London and extend a warm welcome to all International Medical Graduates (IMGs) where their diversity of skills and experience are invaluable in serving our patients.  We also have an induction programme that was built specifically for IMGs to support your entry into the UK Clinical Practice, the NHS and Barts. Please contact the RLH Medical Education Team for more information. Beginning your career – Barts Health NHS Trust

Faculty development

We run programmes to equip senior clinical staff with the skills and knowledge to train, teach, supervise, appraise, and provide feedback.

For more information about faculty development please contact: 

Quality and standards

All of the programmes are assured through the quality framework and governance structure in place at Barts Health and are in line with the requirements of Health Education England at: – QPSC | London (

Study Leave

Doctors and Dentists in Training must complete application form and submit their study leave request 8 weeks prior to the date they wish to apply for study leave.

Please contact the Study Leave Team in the Contacts.

Useful links


Doctors in the Foundation Programme use an ePortfolio to capture their learning and progression. The system used is called Horus. LED can also request access to Horus from their local Medical Education Teams. The developers have created user guides and webinars to support you in using the system, these guides and webinars can be access here: Introduction to Horus – Horus Support (

Other Medical Education Links:

About – UK Foundation Programme

Support : PGMDE Support Portal (

NHS England


Medical Education Teams:

Newham – 

Royal London – 

St Bartholomews – 

Whipps Cross – 

Study Leave Teams:


Royal London & Barts: 

Whipps Cross: